Oct 19, 2012

Diet Which A Pregnant Woman Should Be Aware Of

Diet Which A Pregnant Woman Should 
  Be Aware Of

photo credits: healblog.net

Diet is an important factor to be taken care of during the pregnancy. You have to bear in mind that you have to eat for two during pregnancy though overeating is not the remedy for this. You have to take sufficient quantity of proteins, vitamins and minerals since the only source of all these essential items for the baby is the mother.

Pre-natal diet does not recommend complete non-carbohydrate diet since it may result in production of ketones in the blood stream in the absence of carbohydrates, which may result in the risk of brain damage for the baby. Besides this, it may also lead to constipation in pregnant women, since they are supplied with additional doses of iron required for the baby.

The pre-natal foods include enough fruits to ensure vitamins in required quantity. You need be careful not to over eat since it may lead to obesity especially those who suffer from diabetics or low B.P. or over weight.

Normally low carbohydrate diet includes whole grains and fruits with minimum white rice and pasta. If you are to take high carbohydrate diet it is better that you go for frequent meals. You may avoid processed meat as it contains less nutrients and more calories. Sufficient quantity of nuts salads and fruits are to be taken.  Large doses of salt and sauces are to be avoided. It is best advised that you consult the gynecologist to get a balanced diet prescribed. There is definitely a connection with the pre-natal food and the baby’s health.

You have to prepare yourself to be a good mother by enriching the knowledge of baby care, and the post delivery health care. You need to be emotionally prepared to keep adjusted with the physical and emotional changes which you are subject to during this period. The role of a loving husband during the period cannot be over emphasized. It is he who has to give her the care, comfort, and the confidence to prepare herself to become a matured, healthy and loving mother.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only.The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding pregnancy.  Prior to beginning any diet or taking any medication, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor for advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual situation.

1 comment:

Dipti said...

For a pregnant women it is very important to know the about the food to eaten during pregnancy..Baby Growth and Development